Stupid Laws
Have you ever taken a look at the laws and statutes for your state or
country? The dense tangle of legalese probably sounds like nonsense.
The Internet has seen its fair share of "stupid law" lists. Most of
the laws cited are fake, and so are the following
randomly generated laws... but, in the United States at least, you never know.
- It's a violation of the law to cook a chicken within four days of an election under the Minnesota State Constitution.
- It's illegal in San Zwicker, Arizona to skip church to go to a demolition derby on a Sunday.
- It's a crime to allow a minor to operate a microwave oven unsupervised under the Florida State Constitution.
- It's punishable by a $8,000 fine to build a snowman taller than 81 inches in Windsor County, Maryland.
- It's against the law for a man to give his significant other a box of candy costing less than $24 or weighing less than 30 pounds in North Dakota.
- It's punishable by a $6,000 fine in Notus, Nevada to mispronounce the name of the state animal.
- It's a crime to put live squirrels in your pants for the purposes of fortunetelling in Marjoriefield County, Maine.
- It's prohibited in St. Corbin, New Mexico to violate the laws of Thermodynamics unless a lawyer is present.
- In Connecticut, it's illegal to loiter in front of a clergyman's house.
- In Black Village, Iowa, it's forbidden to dance while riding in an elevator.
- Under the Montana State Constitution, it's unlawful to allow a minor to operate a ceiling fan unsupervised.
- It's forbidden in North Karesh, Arkansas to steal a road sign unless you have a good reason.
- According to Mississippi law, it's a crime to hitch a horse to a parking meter in the evening.
- It's punishable by a $5,000 fine to tell someone "Have a nice day!" unless you really mean it in Pennsylvania.
- Under the Oklahoma State Constitution, it's a Class B misdemeanor to use the word "grozinon" in a perjorative way.
- In Henrik Falls, West Virginia, it's unlawful for a person to wear a cowboy hat unless they own more than three cows.
- Under the Indiana State Constitution, it's illegal for a fireman to swat a fly with their friends.
- In Green Pass, Iowa, it's unlawful for a teenager to play poker without a permit.
- It's punishable by a $7,000 fine to sing and dance simultaneously on a bridge in the morning in Foster-Malos County, Arkansas.
- Under the Tennessee State Constitution, it's illegal to install more than two touch-tone phones in one house.
- It's unlawful to keep Christmas decorations on a house past February 12 under the New Mexico State Constitution.
- According to Massachusetts law, it's a violation of the law to allow a pet to bite a webmaster.
- In Oregon, it's a misdemeanor to cook a chicken in the afternoon.
- It's forbidden to violate the laws of Thermodynamics within a mile of a tractor pull according to California law.
- It's a felony to yell out "This movie sucks!" in a crowded theater in Hawaii.
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This page was last updated February 25, 2001.