Software patents are patently offensive
| Contributed by Dennis on Sunday February 23, @02:02AM from the kill-all-the-lawyers dept. Julian writes "I was browsing IBM's patent server when I came across this disturbing patent on 'interpreted scripting languages'. Not good!" Liam Arnold pointed out an article in CNN about a patent on translucent computer cases held by Adobe. Dozens of people sent linkage to a MSNBC feature entitled "Why Software Patents Benefits Consumers" written by Senator Prence. Finally, Byron Fernandez sent us an rebuttal editorial about the evils of software patents. Click below to read it." Read More... 7 comments |
Here It Comes: Linux 2.5.44
| Contributed by Mike on Saturday February 22, @11:43PM from the download-compile-reboot dept. Phil Wass informed us that the latest, greatest version of the Linux kernel is now available at a download site near you. You know what to do. Comments? |
Attack of the Killer Backhoe
| Contributed by Mike on Saturday February 22, @10:58PM from the nerds-panic-nationwide dept. Net access was severaly disrupted earlier today by an errant backhoe that accidentally cut two major net backbone cables near Palo Alto, California. Preliminary reports indicate that as much as 35% of all US-based websites were offline for as many as three hours. The backhoe operator, "Bubba" Wilcoxon, says that he "pulled the wrong lever". A full investigation by the FCC will commence as soon as the department receives sufficient funding. Comments? |
Maxtor Announces 504 GB Hard Drive
| Contributed by Ryan on Saturday February 22, @08:45PM from the what-a-mess dept. Marlon Overholser writes, "In this article, Maxtor CEO Daniel Stansberry talks about new advances in hard drive technology which could quadruple storage density." Production isn't expected to begin until 2004, which means you'll need to find some other way to store your porn library for now. Read More... 9 comments |
Software patents are patently offensive
| Contributed by Dennis on Saturday February 22, @07:50PM from the kill-all-the-lawyers dept. jereew531 writes "I was browsing IBM's patent server when I came across this disturbing patent on 'horizontal scroll bars'. Not good!" nigel.ashley pointed out an article in MSNBC about a patent on double-click shopping held by Unisys. Dozens of people sent linkage to a InfoWorld feature entitled "Why Software Patents Benefits Consumers" written by Senator Gaudry. Finally, Lisa Hawkins sent us an rebuttal editorial about the evils of software patents. Click below to read it." Comments? |
Modern Art Beowulf Cluster
| Contributed by Mike on Saturday February 22, @07:13PM from the i-should-have-majored-in-art dept. skeck writes, "A bored grad student at Warren G. Harding State University created a modern art sculpture in the campus courtyard made entirely out of old 286 computers. The cool part is that this Rube Goldberg-like contraption actually works -- part of it is a fully functional Beowulf cluster! The Computer Science Club's website is served by the cluster, which is nicknamed Geekzilla." I wish they had cool stuff like that at my college. Read More... 4 comments |
Modern Art Beowulf Cluster
| Contributed by Mike on Saturday February 22, @05:08PM from the i-should-have-majored-in-art dept. Sam KokWai writes, "A bored grad student at Kristy Idsinga College created a modern art sculpture in the campus courtyard made entirely out of old 386 computers. The cool part is that this Rube Goldberg-like contraption actually works -- part of it is a fully functional Beowulf cluster! The Computer Science Club's website is served by the cluster, which is nicknamed Geekzilla." I wish they had cool stuff like that at my college. Read More... 2 comments |
Linux Possibly Defamed Somewhere!
| Contributed by Mike on Saturday February 22, @02:46PM from the call-out-the-linux-brigade! dept. Several hundred people have sent word of a Linux roast-a-thon over at MSNBC. We recommend you send hostile flames to the publisher to let your voice be heard -- we simply cannot and will not allow idiots to badmouth our favorite operating system. Comments? |
Linux Possibly Defamed Somewhere!
| Contributed by Dennis on Saturday February 22, @01:23PM from the call-out-the-linux-brigade! dept. Several hundred people have sent word of a Linux roast-a-thon over at Ziff-Davis AnchorDesk. We recommend you send hostile flames to the publisher to let your voice be heard -- we simply cannot and will not allow idiots to badmouth our favorite operating system. Comments? |
Why Did Go Bust?
| Contributed by Dennis on Saturday February 22, @11:17AM from the what-a-mess dept. Wired News takes a look at why failed and what they probably could have done to survive. They suggest that they didn't try to convert the large number of visitors into paying customers. Another explanation is that the company had a business plan written on a napkin. I realized as I read this that I never once bought anything from Oh well. Comments? |
Attack of the Killer Backhoe
| Contributed by Dennis on Saturday February 22, @08:44AM from the nerds-panic-nationwide dept. Net access was severaly disrupted earlier today by an errant backhoe that accidentally cut two major net backbone cables near San Jose, California. Preliminary reports indicate that as much as 34% of all US-based websites were offline for as many as three hours. The backhoe operator, "Bubba" Zumwalt, says that he "pulled the wrong lever". A full investigation by the FCC will commence as soon as the department receives sufficient funding. Comments? |
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